Nathalie Chevallerau
Coaching, training and performance

POP from Dr Dain Heer's Being You class at Divonne-les-Bains

How many times have you had the feeling that you're a special case and that things would be so much easier if you changed yourself to "fit the mold"?
What if all this wasn't true?

What if you were exactly the change you needed?

The Being You changing the World course will enable you to move from a life on autopilot to one that's fully alive! And for the 1st time it's possible to take this class in Divonne-les-Bains (01220), near Nyon (Switzerland) with other participants, all facilitated by me.

The class starts on Saturday, December 9 and ends on Monday, December 11. Timetables are from 4:30 pm to 8:30 pm. 

Hesitant? I know it's always the choice that creates it, but if you were really you and aware of your knowledge, what would you choose?  

  • Did you ever know when it was really for you?
  • So go back to that experience and choose.

Have fun with the energies around it! 

There are no prerequisites for this class, except that you want to be truly You in your life!

How many times have you felt like you are the odd one out, and things would be so much easier if you just changed yourself to "fit the mold"?

What if none of that is true? What if you are exactly the change required?

The Being You, Changing the World Class is designed to take you from having a life run on autopilot into becoming fully alive!

And for the first time it's possible in Divonne-les-Bains, near Nyon. A POP, Party of Possibility is a space when you could share with other participants during the class. And I will be there for you, to facilitate you.

Schedule of the class: Saturday 9th December to Monday 11th Time: 4.30 PM to 8.30 PM

None Prerequisites instead of desiring to be truly YOU!

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