Nathalie Chevallerau
Coaching, training and performance

Stressed out, out of breath, tired of everything, prone to chronic pain, tension at work, at home, always chasing lost time and convinced that this is the way to make a living
and that there's nothing you can do about it...

Life coaching in Nyon and Geneva

"Ready to change the script?"

"Ready to recognize and change the limitations that are holding you back and keeping you from what you want to live every day?"

Life coaching, taking it a step further!

Individual coaching in Nyon

Keep moving forward, experience change, that's all you're experiencing, that's all that's happening in your life:

the good, the bad, the ugly and the best

And as we've learned to recognize only the good and the best, avoiding and rejecting the ugly and the bad, we've cut ourselves off from a part of ourselves, monopolizing amounts of energy to hide it from ourselves, leading us to physical and psychological exhaustion .

By refusing to recognize what is, that change is inevitable, we deprive ourselves of any possibility of learning, evolving and knowing.
This is how our love story begins, with chronic fatigue, emotions that never come at the right time, frustrations, poor quality sleep or even insomnia, anxiety attacks, pain that settles permanently in our bodies, self-doubt and self-judgment that only slow us down in the choices we're going to have to make anyway.

So if change is inevitable in all aspects of our lives, what would it take to change our reactions so that we no longer feel like we're always without choice and limited by something that's always pulling us away from ourselves?

During the coaching process, you'll discover how to stop fearing change and even how to tame it. 

If the change is there, it's because there are possibilities presenting themselves that weren't available before. You'll begin to recognize that you know what to choose and when to choose it, developing a true personal compass, a personal GPS, that will nourish your self-confidence and knowledge so you can become the conductor of your life. 

If we recognized that change allows us to get out of a box that was never ours and that has become too narrow, we would no longer be afraid to make new choices, even if we don't yet have all the information.

Choosing allows you to take another step, to get back on track and get out of the rut you're in.


"Have you noticed that it's our points of view, our way of thinking, of evaluating that create our reality and not the other way around? "

Become yourself, the others are already taken

If our points of view, our way of thinking, our way of judging create our reality, by revising our points of view, our thoughts and our judgments on what is possible and what is impossible, we could have access to a different reality?

That's what I'm proposing to you in my life coaching course, Becoming Yourself at Last.

Practical, dynamic and pragmatic, you'll discover that you always have a choice.

  • What would I like to choose?
  • What would I like to create? 
  • What do I know that I don't dare admit?

An intuition, a sensation, a whisper

An intuition is a sensation, an instantaneous whisper. It can be an image, a song, words that draw you in when you turn a page. In fact, it almost never appears as a sentence with subject, verb and complement. 

  • Can you remember the last time you listened and chose in this way?
  • When did you stop trusting this information?
  • Why?

Because we've been brought up to prefer predictability to instant creation. We've stopped being aware of these whispers.

  • What if you allowed yourself to reconnect with that original knowledge?

Not from a permanent struggle against this world, which you still don't understand, nor from a desperate attempt to prove you're right, but from a space where you can truly welcome who you are, what will work for you in all your difference!

For one of the craziest things we do is to gag that difference, that originality, in order to conform to what we believe we should be and do. And in doing so, we're helpless in the face of the limitations we see and can't change. Because if you take everything that happens to you at face value , even if you didn't create it, you can't change it - including the problems of the people you love!

Individual coaching in Nyon

What if you could trust yourself?

What if you could really be the weird "You" without being a danger to anyone, including yourself?

Support tailored to your needs

Becoming yourself

If you could be in your place every moment without needing to prove anything to anyone, including yourself...
What would be different?

Whatever you avoid, defend or prove, when change presents itself, it's time to take that 1st step towards it, whether in your personal or professional life.

It's often the realization that what is can no longer last, at the risk of killing you, physically or psychologically?

During life coaching in Nyon and Geneva, you'll discover how to welcome change without fear or anxiety, just for what it is: that it's time to change

For me, every drastic change in my life has always been illustrated by a manifestation in my body, multiple and diverse injuries, illness and physical handicaps. And yet, I had received a few warnings and whispers from my body, believing at the time that I could live without body awareness. What nonsense!

Since then, I've been questioning and integrating the body into every area of my life, and it's changed everything!

Rediscover the energy and enthusiasm you naturally have when you're yourself.

During life coaching, you'll recognize the whispers, the sensations that your body transmits to you at every moment. You'll learn what's true for you, what's going to work for you by asking questions.

You'll discover the limitations created by the many points of view we have on everything. It's as if we were constantly wearing blinders that narrow our vision, or glasses with lenses that don't fit.

 With the help of these glasses, we have learned to live in this reality, choosing only what is right, good and beautiful, to avoid doing the wrong thing. This is how we always choose for or against something.

But the funny thing is that it puts us in a permanent state of judgment, looking for points of reference to choose from that aren't our own, and not in the perception of what will work for us. 

Judgment is never a creative process for more.

Yes, but how do I know what's true for me

Being Self incarnated in a body

Do you have a complicated relationship with your body or are you living a true love story?

What if you could be aware of what our bodies are whispering to us?

After all, it's your body that creates, actualizes and shapes what's in your head...

  • Who breathes to keep you alive on this earth? Your body
  • Where do you feel your emotions? In your body.
  • How do you feel the heat, the cold? With your body.
  • Who gets you from A to B? Your body.
  • Who does everything you decide, even if it's against you? Your body, too!

By realizing that you have a body underneath your head and that it's part of your life at every moment, giving you information and sometimes stopping you dead in your tracks, you could have a somewhat different relationship.

For me, it opened up a whole new world when I stopped being in constant judgment of this body, stopped being in a daily battle to make it do what I wanted, not recognizing that my body also had specific needs .

Your body is a sensory and intuitive mechanism that constantly transmits information to you by picking up energies from all around you, be they the emotions, judgments, thoughts, ideas and pains of others, enabling you to be connected to others.

Your body does this to such an extent that 90% of what happens in your physical body is sometimes not even yours. Obviously, this is disturbing!

What's more, we think that everything we feel belongs to us! I feel it, so it's mine! Is that so?

How many times have you felt pain in your body and suddenly the person in front of you tells you they're in pain in the same place as you? Disturbing!

The body sometimes communicates via an intensity we immediately call pain, making it very real as long as we resist it. By choosing to stop resisting it and asking questions, you'll discover that almost all our pain and limitations don't even belong to us.

Isn't this a whole new space for you and your body to live in?

You are not alone in creating your life, you never have been. You've always had a faithful companion who was there long before you were born. That companion is your body. What if we really had to explore body language? What if energy was your body's first language?

It's a different way of communicating with your body that I propose through the body processes and tools of Access Consciousness®, which will melt away all the struggles, judgments and beliefs you have about your body and about you and your body, enabling you to begin a different relationship.


Using specific questions and the tools and processes of Access Consciousness®, you'll discover that question and choice replace the universal answer and predefined ways of acting and perceiving the world. You'll reconnect with your body, which is also part of the creation of your life, and you'll discover that it's sometimes quicker to unlock a limitation with a bodily process.

Because questioning means that nothing is taken for granted, my customers have new choices, creating new possibilities.

We'll go beyond the issues that prevent you from accessing your visceral, intuitive knowing , to facilitate new awarenesses that allow you to choose what's going to work for you.

Conscious parents : Conscious children

How can we remain ourselves in the face of the most important challenge of our lives: raising our children, i.e. making our children aware of the results of their choices?  

We have instruction manuals for everything, including how to create a life. But when we walk out of the maternity ward with that little one in our arms, no matter how many gifts the maternity ward provides, there's not a single packaged instruction manual to be found. So here we are, on our way to the most important exploration of our lives without instructions.

Good Luck! Yes!

What if it was the opportunity to start, for the 1st time, from a blank page and not from a list of dos and don ' ts?

  • What if we choose to trust each other ?
  • And what if we chose to trust our children, who will also educate us, raise us to become parents ?

Faced with the unknown, we prefer to align ourselves with the choices and judgments of what is most often done, forgetting that no one is a copy, or a duplicate of anyone else.

I admit, it's quite a challenge, a real exploration to discover this little being and what's being created with yourself, your partner and your family.

It's time to rediscover your ability to observe, test and adjust as you did when you were exploring the world as a child, without expectation, without projection and curious about another possibility. It means reconnecting to your knowledge of what will work for you. And that knowledge is immediate, visceral, intuitive and, dare I say it, energetic.

After 10 years as founder and director of the Académie de Comédie Musicale in Geneva, with 100 students each year, plus my background as a piano and solfeggio teacher, and the wonderful experiences and discoveries of being a mother of 3, I've discovered that nothing is taken for granted, and that there are always other ways to help my children, and your children, become who they are and who they want to become.

Who could you really become?

Toddlers already have this knowledge. He knows when to eat. He knows when to stop. He knows when something needs changing. But we think we know what's good for them. Honestly, was that really what you think, or are you adopting the most common views around you?

What if all you had to do was help your children discover and get to know themselves, so that you could make choices that work for them, not against them?

What could you create differently if you really were you and allowed your children, family and relationships to be themselves?

  • What if there wasn't just one way, just one definition of success?
  • And what if your children weren't wrong?
  • What if you're not wrong?
  • What if your parents weren't wrong either?

The program: Conscious Parents, Conscious Children

And if I may say so: Happy Family aims to restore your confidence in what you've always known.

It's also about inviting your children to recognize that they, too, know what works for them, and empowering them to trust themselves and take action to create their lives.

It's totally different from how we were treated as children. I recognize that. Our parents made do with the keys of the time.

But if we had the opportunityto "raise" our children to become aware at an early age of what each of their choices and actions will create and require in terms of commitment on their part, by recognizing their uniqueness, their strengths, their weaknesses, their dreams and their desires.

You'll discover that being a parent can be something other than the heavy responsibility of judgement that you feel you have to live with every day. It can be a co-creation with your children. I sincerely hope so. What we experienced and how we were perceived, recognized and surrounded in our childhood has a huge impact on how we create our future. Doesn't it?

And none of it is logical. Much of it is energetic and unconscious.

From the moment we're born, we've learned everything through observation and imitation, and we use this as a reference to create our lives. What would we like our children to observe and imitate about us? Our limitations, or our ability to choose what's true for us and act accordingly?

When we become aware of and able to eliminate things that don't benefit us, everything changes. And so does our children's future.

Don't forget that a child is a complete being in a small body.

Access is a set of tools and techniques designed to facilitate greater openness to consciousness in each of us.

During this 2-hour introduction, you'll discover another way of relating to your body through techniques and tools.

Introductory price: 65 euros including small manual

under construction

What is letting go?...

Children-Adults with ADHD: a different perspective for a different life!

What if we changed the way we look at children and adults diagnosed with ADD, ADHD, OCD and autism spectrum disorders?

What if autism, OCD, ADD and ADHD were abilities?

What if you weren't so hypersensitive but just very aware of what is?

I myself am ADHD, diagnosed at the age of 54 with one of my adult children, and thanks to this disorder I have been able to create a totally unpredictable, stimulating, fulfilling and creative life. 

From concert pianist and accompanist to opera singers and chamber musicians, to crèche and day-care manager during my pregnancies, then corporate coach and NLP life coach, to founder and director of the Académie de Comédie Musicale de Genève and now certified Access Consicousness® facilitator, at 58 I'm still creating, choosing, experimenting, marvelling and discovering.

What if being different means being different - neither good nor bad - just different?

These children, these adults, are not like others. They don't feel emotions the way others do. They think differently. They don't understand why people move so slowly and pretend not to know what they really know. They have a different way of looking at the world.

  • What if they did in fact have special talents and abilities? 

We're all different, with multiple talents. Now, diagnosed or not, do we choose to embody our difference? 

  • How often do you think of someone and then they call or e-mail you? Or you meet them and say, "Oh, I was just thinking about you!"
  • How many times have you known exactly what someone was going to say before they said it?
  • Do you think faster than you speak?
  • Have you ever known what was going to happen well in advance and then it happened́?
  • Do you judge yourself all the time for being so different?
  • Have you ever been able to sit still as a child?
  • Just once?
  • Have you ever been able to slow down your mind? Just once?
  • Have you ever been able to force your mind to have just one thought at a time? Just once?
  • What if you're much more telepathic and aware than you think?

The children-adults ADHD: a different perspective program will help you discover the tools that will make your life easier in this reality and give you access to your facilities.

What if there was nothing to fix and just become aware of a different perspective?

I know, if you're a parent, it's not easy or fun every day!

But imagine for your child!

An extraordinary book for new possibilities: " Would you teach a fish to climb a tree?"

Anne Maxwell, Gary Douglas and Dr. Dain Heer.

rather than trying to make them SEE

A few tips:

Communicating with energy and images

If you or your child have these abilities, recognize that talking to them in a linear way won't get you very far! Talk to him energetically and pictorially. For example, to get out of the house on time in the morning, show him the complete scenario psychically and pictorially: putting on his shoes, getting his things together, getting into the car, etc. These children are fast learners and this type of communication works much better.

Ask them what they know. Acknowledge them!

Be curious about them and with them. These people have an immense awareness of the world around them that goes far beyond what is generally recognized.

A multiplicity of stimuli

Don't expect them to be linear or to focus on anything like other people. People with ADD/ADHD tendencies have the ability to have many things simultaneously in their consciousness, and information often comes at them at breakneck speed.

Teach them to expand their zone of consciousness

Often, when we function differently from others, we tend to think it's wrong and turn off our awareness. When this happens, it's much harder to function in the world because we don't access all our resources that are available to us. Anyone can expand the space for these awarenesses. All we have to do is ask. You can teach your children to do this to give them more ease and the keys to navigate the world and know what's theirs and what's not, just like saving everyone else.

From harm to curiosity

Everything is the opposite of what it seems, nothing is the opposite of what it seems! This nonsensical phrase is a fundamental tool for the X-Men! If your child has difficulty with something, it may be because it doesn't make sense to him or her. The world doesn't make much sense to the X-Men!

The beauty behind this is that these children know that something different and greater is possible. Learn to watch them with curiosity as they move through the world. Let go of the idea that there's something wrong with them. The question "What's right about me that I'm not getting?" is a powerful question for X-Men that will enable them to be functional in all areas of their lives.

Different possibilities with this program

  • Workshops for teachers
  • Workshops for parents through associations
  • Specific coaching for adults with ADHD
  • Support for ADHD children

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