Nathalie Chevallerau
Coaching, training and performance

HAVING ADHD is like driving a Big Cylinder with a Big Engine but equipped with Small Wheels and especially Small Brakes!

Managing attention deficit disorders - Nyon and Geneva

ADHD, Superpower or Calamity?

ADHD an unexplained pain


Having ADHD, so what?

Imagine you had hundreds of TV screens in front of you, and each screen was set to a different channel with the volume turned up, and you couldn't remember where the remote control was, and someone asked you to stop moving and concentrate on one thing. How would you feel?

  • How many times have you known exactly what someone was going to say before they said it?
  • And how many times have you been disabled or sidelined for this?
  • Have you ever had an intuition of what was going to happen well in advance, and then it happened?
  • Did you know the answers to the questions when the person hadn't even finished formulating them?
  • What if it's all just a different way of perceiving the world and communicating?
  • What if there's nothing wrong with her children, or with you?
  • What if we're just different?

A person with ADHD is often like driving a car with a lot of power but equipped with SMALL WHEELS and especially SMALL BRAKES!

The car will start up very quickly, going FULL AHEAD, representing impulsiveness.

Then, when there's a bend to negotiate or emergency braking to be done, no matter how hard the person tries to brake or turn, the accident is INEVITABLE. This puts the person in a difficult situation. The brakes and wheels are undersized in relation to the power of the engine, the power of our ideas, the power of our creativity, energy and hyperactivity . And because we don't know how to inhibit or sort information, we get caught out: it's called attention deficit.

If ADHD doesn't start out as a "Superpower", it can turn out to be a special, non-standard way of going about life.  


Attention Deficit Disorder( ADD) with or without Hyperactivityis a neurodevelopmental disorder (appearing in childhood) characterized by three types of symptoms, which may occur alone or in combination:

  • attention and concentration difficulties
  • symptoms of hyperactivity: I move, you move, he moves
  • problems related to managing impulsivity: immediately and very quickly! 

Adults and children with ADHD, by becoming an expert in your disorder and dealing with it on a daily basis, you'll turn it into a real opportunity!

I have ADHD, like you or your child, and I don't regret anything it's created in my life.

  • Despite my impulsiveness, with its many incidents and accidents in life, I've always been dynamic, resourceful and imaginative, not even afraid to create what wasn't created, and tireless as long as I was motivated. And what about you? What about your child?
  • With attention deficit disorder (ADD), which is more a problem of attention regulation and modulation than of limited attention, there is also the possibility of hyperfocus in the creative, sporting, scientific and other fields. Anything that arouses our interest. Sometimes this doesn't fit in with what we're learning at school, which can lead to misunderstandings around us. 
  • Then hyperactivity which drives people crazy, when in fact it's the consequence of our unregulated attention which puts our brain on hypervigilance so that we're a little more attentive to avoid forgetting anything.

Not so simple, is it?

And yet, recognizing that we all have different neuronal functioning, neurodiversity, can be an opportunity.

It's up to us to make it a strength!

This is what I propose to you, after my personal experience as the mother of children with ADHD diagnosed very late in life, my experience as the director of a music academy with many children and young adults with ADHD and emotions at their peak, and finally my training course for ADHD sufferers and carers with the association HyperSupers TDAH France.


ADHD, a limiting disorder

Resources for more possibilities

ADHD, a new fad? NO!

The term ADHD is relatively recent (50 years). The disorder is not new. There are early descriptions of the disorder in the literature.

What's more, ADHD is not a deficit disorder but an attention disorder that leads to impulsivity and hyperactivity (or not).

This is neither an educational issue nor a new fad.

It's a real suffering for these children and their parents, because the manifestations are multiple and particular, as ADHD is rarely the only one. This main disorder is often accompanied by several associated disorders: learning disorders, all Dys disorders, anxiety and emotional disorders, sleep disorders, oppositional defiant disorders, etc. and autism spectrum disorders.

While the agitation of these children has long been put forward as the main cause of ADHD, over the last 50 years it has been established that attention deficit disorder is indeed the central pillar of ADHD

In my case, I was lucky enough to start playing the piano at the age of 8. This apprenticeship requires 2 totally independent hands, the reading of 2 different keys (G and F), and the management of 3 pedals with 2 feet. 

Motivated by my love of music, I had to implement strategies to reduce and transform my attention deficit disorder so that I could learn to play the piano quickly! Without realizing it, I had to transpose this strategy to school to put an end to the teacher's remarks on my papers: Go too fast, lots of careless mistakes!

The training provided by HyperSupers TDAH France is free if you join: around 40 euros. You'll follow 9 modules with plenty of opportunities to learn even more and understand with very clear course pdf's, expert videos, numerous links allowing you to discover complementary sites for even more tools and an evaluation at the end of each module to allow you to follow the next module. So, immediate reward! You know what I mean!

Attention deficit disorder
Impulsivity NYON

ADHD and related disorders,

Learn more about ADHD and related disorders

Training for parents, adults, doctors and school staff

Different approaches for different people

What is an associated disorder?

One disorder can hide another...

The absence or delay of treatment increases the risk of developing complications in the child.

Imagine for an adult who has lived with this attention deficit for so long?

Child suffering

Profits recorded

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On this day, you will receive the process 2 times and give it 2 times. 

under construction

I regularly run workshops, introductions and video classes. 

A classroom inspired by the book: Would you teach a fish to climb a tree?


A. Maxwell, G. M. Douglas and Dr. Dain Heer.

It has become increasingly clear over the years of working with children and their families that there are particular schools of thought or attitudes about how people, and especially children, should function.

Those who do not function according to the rules and regulations in force around them are labeled as "disabled", particularly within the educational and medical communities.

We so often conclude that children who don't "fit in" need to be taught how to behave, so that they can learn to function as if they were "normal", "average" and like everyone else.

The problem is that they're neither normal nor average.
What if by asking them to be normal and average, it's as if we're telling them there's something wrong with them and asking them to be someone they're not?

Introduction between 1h30 and 2h.

Price 65 euros including manual.

Workshops, face-to-face and video introductions

It's about helping you to come to terms with yourself, with your true abilities , and to identify the situations that put you in failure mode so that you can regain control of your life.

  • What do you really want to experience on a daily basis?
  • What would you like to be different?
  • Would you like more joy, more fun, more ease, more calm?  
  • Would you like to wake up every morning with a feeling of gratitude..., happy to be who you are exactly as you are on this planet?

To help you evolve faster, I've found that energetic processes enable us to become aware more quickly. Access Bars® give your body the calm it needs, offering you greater clarity and tranquility. The other Body Processes® are also there to eliminate the energy and emotion that created the crisis, doubt or exhaustion.

If you'd like to know more, give me a call!

Neurodiversity, an opportunity for tomorrow?

Is neurodiversity a buzzword?

Neurodiversity challenges the traditional view of all these disorders you hear about, recognizing instead that they are natural variations of human neurology. 

  • What if we changed the way we look at children and adults diagnosed with ADD, ADHD, OCD, ASD, etc.? 
  • What if autism, OCD, ADD and ADHD were abilities? 
  • What if you weren't so hypersensitive but just very aware of what's out there? 

While recognizing the challenges and controversies surrounding neurodiversity, this is an opportunity to foster a more inclusive and supportive community for people with autism or divergent. By encouraging the acceptance and celebration of diversity, we could create a world where everyone's uniqueness is celebrated and valued.

From adapting educational and professional environments to promoting autonomy and empowerment, there are practical ways of integrating neurodiversity into everyday life.

For my part, having been diagnosed at 53, following the diagnosis of one of my adult children, I have been able to create a totally unpredictable, stimulating, fulfilling and creative life thanks to this disorder. 

From concert pianist and accompanist to opera singers and chamber musicians, to crèche and daycare manager during my pregnancies, then corporate coach and NLP life coach, to founder and director of the Académie de Comédie Musicale de Genève and now certified Access Consicousness® facilitator, I'm always creating, choosing, experimenting, marvelling and discovering.

What have you heard about your children?

What if everything you've been told wasn't so predictable and true?

An excerpt: Being yourself is not about being as you should be. It's about being your own ENERGY, whatever the situation. When you start to be Yourself, you stop being yoked to the world around you. You 're in charge, and you know what's going to work for you and your child!

Communicating with energy and images

If you or your child have these abilities, recognize that talking to them in a linear way won't get you very far! Talk to him energetically and pictorially. For example, to get out of the house on time in the morning, show him the complete scenario psychically and pictorially: putting on his shoes, getting his things together, getting into the car, etc. These children are fast learners and this type of communication works much better.

Ask them what they know. Acknowledge them!

Be curious about them and with them. They have an immense awareness of the world around them that goes far beyond what is generally perceived.

A multiplicity of stimuli

Don't expect them to be linear or to focus on anything like other people. People with ADD/ADHD tendencies have the ability to have many things simultaneously in their consciousness, and information often comes at them at breakneck speed.

Teach them to expand their zone of consciousness

Often, when we function differently, we tend to think it's wrong and turn off our awareness. When this happens, it's much harder to function in the world because we're not accessing all our resources that are available to us.

There's a little exercise for this that anyone can do: expand the space of your awarenesses. All you have to do is ask. You can teach your children to do this to give them more ease and the keys to navigate the world and know what's theirs and what's not, like believing they can save the world.

From harm to curiosity

Everything is the opposite of what it seems, nothing is the opposite of what it seems! This nonsensical phrase is a fundamental tool for extricating ourselves from our judgmental minds! If your child has difficulty with something, it may be because it doesn't make sense to him or her. The world around us doesn't make much sense to them!

The beauty behind this is that your children know that something different and greater is possible. Learn to watch them with curiosity as they move through the world. Let go of the idea that there's something wrong with them. The question "What's right about me that I'm not getting?" is a powerful question for them, and it will enable them to be functional in all areas of their lives.

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