Nathalie Chevallerau
Coaching, training and performance

Nathalie Chevallerau works in companies, schools, in Nyon and Geneva, at your home but also remotely for most of her services.

Certifying courses and discovery workshops in Nyon: taking your training to the next level!


Certification courses and discovery workshops in Nyon

Access Consciousness® certification courses:

These training courses are for those who want to learn more or add these skills to your professional practice. 

It's also for those who want to share the benefits of these tools with their family and friends. Every training session is free for your children up to and including age 15. It's part of Access Consciousness's commitment to helping you create something new in your family. And children have their own manual!

I can also accompany you on the path to various Access Consciousness certifications: 

  • Become an Access Bars® practitioner and facilitator
  • Become an Access Facelift Energetic® practitioner and facilitator
  • Becoming a Body Process Practitioner and Facilitator
  • Become a certified Access facilitator Consciousness™️
Certification courses and discovery workshops in Nyon

One-day or multi-day certification courses

Access Bars®

For all those who want to free themselves from stress, limitations and frustrations, and rediscover our natural motivation, joy, increased mental clarity and inner peace. Migraines, insomnia and self-judgment fade away. You'll notice an improvement in your physical condition and regain your self-confidence .

This gentle, non-invasive technique releases physical and psychological blockages stored in the body.

  • Have you ever caught yourself reacting to the slightest thing?
  • Or maybe you just can't shut your mind up, no matter what you do? 
  • Are you stressed, tired, anxious or worried?
Access Bars®

What if there was a way to reduce the noise in your head without having to isolate yourself in a cave for x years or meditate for hours? What if you could silence that voice that keeps telling you you're not enough of this or that?

That's what I'm proposing for one day. You'll receive and give this process twice, and with the class manual and boards to guide you, you'll discover that learning Access Bars® is a joyful and easy process.

What's more, if you come with a friend or your child (8 years old), you'll be able to enjoy this process with each other every week, free of charge for life.

At home, my children and husband are trained in this technique. A family delight!

For over 30 years, this technique has been practiced in over 100 countries and by over 500,000 people worldwide who have taken the Access Bars® one-day class.

Price: 380 Euros/day

Access Bars® in Nyon
Access Bars® in Nyon

The Access Facelift class Energetic™️

A class for a regenerated body. It's about giving your body the choice to activate its natural ability to change and heal.

It's the chance to discover that it's possible to modify the effects of age that we lock into and onto our bodies, without the need for a scalpel. 

What if the effects of age on you were first and foremost presumed realities that everyone has bought into even without thinking about it?

Every time you look in the mirror and judge what you see, your cells remember and lock that judgment onto your face and into your body. Each Facelift session Energetic™️ gives the body a chance to come alive and transform many of the limiting energies and embedded judgments by effectively erasing the cellular memory of these judgments.

Access Facelift Energetic™️

Profits recorded

  • Improving the light and luminosity of the face
  • Improved skin elasticity
  • Brighter eyes and shiny hair
  • Breast and buttock enhancement
  • Increased energy for everyday life and access to deep relaxation

On this day, you will receive the process 2 times and give it 2 times. 

You'll leave with the class manual, a stitchboard and a video, so that you can practice immediately around you to offer this opportunity. Learning this process with a friend is particularly rewarding, as you'll be able to receive and give it regularly to each other.

Price: 480 Euros/day

Process Corporels™️ over 1 day, sometimes 2 days:

For those who are fed up with the chronic pain and limitations they experience, and wish to create a different relationship with their body .

Have you noticed how little attention you pay to your body and how much you judge it? And yet, it's precious, and you only have one in your life!

It's also for therapists and masseurs who want to enhance the care they provide.

Most of us are here without any connection to our own bodies: we abandoned them as children. These bodily processes are dynamically powerful in allowing body and being to choose to create what is beneficial and necessary for both of you.

We create our bodies from our points of view, our thoughts, our limiting beliefs, our emotions and feelings, which are often unconscious and generate all kinds of pain, tension and illness. And as if that weren't enough, we create our bodies from the viewpoints and thoughts.... ofothers.

A real nonsense!

Learning some of the body processes of Access Consciousness® gives you the opportunity to create a more joyful and comfortable life with your body, not against it.

No prerequisites! 

Price: 150 Euros/day for a large process or 2 processes

Price: 75 Euros/ for ½ day

A word from the creator of the Access Consciousness tools:

When you start to change the way you look at your body, you start to change the way you look at everything in your life.

Gary Douglas

The Foundation over 3 ½ days

  • What if it were possible to change everything?
  • What if you knew something no one else knows?
  • What if now was the time to express and choose everything you came here to be and create?

This class offers you the opportunity to undo the foundation of limitation from which you feel you must live as if you had no other choice! Instead, it will enable you to build a platform from which you'll have more choices, more possibilities and more joy...

What do you really want? What would you like to be different? Would you like more joy? More fun? More ease? More money? Would you like to wake up in the morning with a feeling of gratitude..., happy to be on this planet?

Whatever you choose, it's POSSIBLE. Thousands of people around the world have created the life they desire using the pragmatic Access Consciousness® tools you'll be introduced to in the Foundation Class. And because we're all different, no two choices will be the same, or even the same way to actualize it.

It's a tailor-made training to finally get to you and your real abilities.

To take this class, you need to have taken an Access Bars® class.

You can change everything. Anything is possible if you become You and demand it of Yourself! 

The question is: will you choose it?

Price: 2,250 Euros


Workshop: "Being You and Changing the World

Is it time to be what you came here to be?

Welcome to this introductory course based on Dr. Dain Heer's Being You, Changing the World book and courses, as well as the incredible Access Consciousness toolbox.

These tools can give you an energetic experience of being that you won't find anywhere else.

In this introduction, you'll discover some of the most dynamic and easy-to-use Access tools that can show you how to be yourself in all areas of your life - even those you may have abandoned until now.

What's possible if you choose to be yourself and become an invitation to others? Wouldn't you change the world as it is?

This course has no prerequisites, and each event is uniquely created by the people who choose to join.

Being You, introductory class: 2 or 3 hours

Welcome to the Being You class - The beginning

I invite you to experience this evening where I'll give you concrete, practical and dynamic tools to start changing the things in your life that no longer work for you.

An excerpt: Being yourself isn't about being the right way. It's about being your own ENERGY, whatever the situation. When you start being yourself, you stop being affected by the world around you. You're in control, and you know that any situation can be changed.

ADHD, OCD another possibility

A class inspired by the book: Would you teach a fish to climb a tree? by A. Maxwell, G. M. Douglas and Dr. Dain Heer.


It has become increasingly clear over the years of working with children and their families that there are particular schools of thought or attitudes about how people, and especially children, should function.

Those who do not function according to the rules and regulations in force around them are labeled as "disabled", particularly within the educational and medical communities.

We so often conclude that children who don't "fit in" need to be taught how to behave, so that they can learn to function as if they were "normal", "average" and like everyone else.

The problem is that they're neither normal nor average.
What if by asking them to be normal and average, it's as if we :

1. tell them there's something wrong with them and, 2. ask them to be someone they're not?

Introduction between 1h30 and 2h.

Price 65 euros including manual.

The Right Body For You: A love story with your body

Access is a set of tools and techniques designed to facilitate greater openness to consciousness in each of us.

During this 2-hour introduction, you'll discover another way of relating to your body through techniques and tools.

Introductory price: 65 euros including small manual

Put the fun back in your Business, in your life.

Most people see no joy in business, let alone the idea of having fun in life. They see business as difficult, stressful, exhausting, and life as a constant struggle to stay afloat.

  • What if business didn't have to be this? What if it could actually be fun?
  • And if that's what your business is, what could your life be?

An online introduction lasting 2 or 3 hours, depending on your curiosity. A co-creation!

Price: 65 euros including manual

Being You, Être vous - A one-day adventure
  • What if you could wake up every day with a burst of enthusiasm for being alive?

Are you always asking for more and looking for that "something" we know is possible? What if that "something" was YOU?

What if you, by really being you, were all it takes to change everything - your life, the people around you and the world?

Is it time to be what and who you came here to be?

Welcome to this one-day course based on Dr. Dain Heer's Being You, Changing the World book and courses, and the incredible Access Consciousness® toolbox.

These classes are held all over the world and can give you an energetic experience of being that you won't find anywhere else...

This course has no pre-requisites, and each event is uniquely created by the people who choose to come. Together, we'll embark on a journey of creation... in a space that has never existed before.

Despite the extensive manual you'll receive, which will accompany us throughout the day, this is one of the most undefined events of its kind, because it's only when you define something that you can limit it. Have you ever noticed?

Day rate: 440 Euros

Être vous - The 2-day adventure - free introduction

As with Being-You the one-day adventure, what if really being you is all it takes to change everything - your life, the people around you and the world?

So how do you know if you're really you?

Here is a checklist drawn up by Dr Dain Heer:

  • You appreciate who you are.
  • You care about the people around you. A lot. Whatever their choice.
  • There's no realization that you have to avoid - the good, the bad, the ugly and the best of you. Everything enters and is included in your world. You can be totally present to everything and everyone.
  • You have a sense of dynamic peace (you can still be powerful enough to trigger a tsunami of change with your little finger!).
  • You walk in magic. With each step, something new and wonderful is added to the symphony of possibilities in your life.
  • You accept that you are constantly changing!

This is you. That's what you came here to do. Is it time?

Welcome to this weekend adventure (2 or 2.5 days) based on Dr. Dain Heer's Being You, Changing the World book and courses, and the amazing Access Consciousness toolbox.

Weekend rate with complete manual: 1,150 euros. The introduction is offered the evening before.

Certification courses and discovery workshops in Nyon

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