Nathalie Chevallerau
Coaching, training and performance

Become yourself, the others are already taken!

Become yourself, the others are already taken!

Free zoom every Thursday from 12:30 p.m. CET to 1 p.m.

NO CALL THIS THURSDAY, JULY 11! See you on July 18!

If you would like to join us, please send an e-mail to:

I'll send you the zoom link for Thursday's call.

Questions and answers to help you get rid of what's not yours and what keeps you from what you want, so you can finally become yourself without having to fight or give up anything.

I'll share with you the main tools, questions and insights I've explored and developed. Every Thursday at 12:30 p.m.

I'm a Certified Access Consciousness Facilitator and a Certified Body Process Facilitator, and I'd like to share with you some Access Consciousness® tools that have changed my life in ways I could never have imagined.

ADHD, diagnosed around 53, the joke, I know what it's like not to understand why people around us choose what they choose even if you help them choose something else and I know how much it costs us to see people choose to suffer. But it's possible to stay who we are without having to save humanity. Will you join me for more fun and more joy in your life?

Waiting for you!

We're going to explore it all!

See you soon!


Phone: +41 (0)787403512

Thank you for taking part in this change and if you sign up last-minute, send me an e-mail at

I've always known when something was possible and that I could make it happen in spite of other people's views.
When faced with the results, I believe in this maxim: "They didn't think it was impossible, so they did it!
What do you know that's possible for you beyond people's point of view?
And what prevents you from being different?
You're aware, though, that we're going to need 'neuro-different' people like you, who dare even if we say no, to solve the problems we're going to leave to our children. It's true that with ADHD and the impulsivity and hyperactivity that activate in my case, I was able to create without being slowed down or held back by limiting thoughts. So I've always been passionate about helping people to recognize their differences, their uniqueness and their talents, so as to turn them into real strengths, whether with musicians or children, or during my work with companies on voice, communication and talent identification.
You've already experienced these skills and talents in the past, but because they weren't recognized, you certainly stopped believing in them at some point, because the results achieved didn't match your expectations and/or those of others.
And since then, you no longer believe in these possibilities.
But I'm sure that there was a result, and that sooner or later, that result was a gift, or a realization, or enabled you to go further.
Remember these 2 quotes from Einstein: "Creativity is intelligence having fun" and "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result".
After working as a pianist, performing artist, mother and NLP coach for companies and individuals, I created the Académie de Comédie Musicale de Genève because there wasn't one. And that's normal!
First, it was my 10-year-old daughter's dream, and then the dreams of the young Swiss artists we've guided towards their life goals! Obvious!
As NLP didn't allow everything I knew to be available, I became an Access Consciousness® Facilitator, where you discover, during your coaching, that "you've always known what will and won't work for you" and that "it's all about choice". So instead of believing we have no choice, it's becoming urgent to develop our instantaneous, visceral knowledge and awareness of what each of our choices will create.

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