Nathalie Chevallerau
Coaching, training and performance

Access Bars®

Have you ever reacted to the slightest little thing? 

Or maybe you just can't calm your mind, your thoughts, no matter what you do?

Do you feel stressed, tired, anxious or worried?

What if there was a way to reduce the noise in your head without having to go into a cave or meditate for hours on end? What if you could press a button and mute that voice in your head that tells you you're not good enough or that you can't achieve your dreams? That button exists!

Access Bars® is a gentle modality involving light touch on the head that anyone can use. It is practiced in over 100 countries by more than 500,000 people who have taken the one-day Access Bars class.

More information on Access Bars®:

A "treatment", body process, anti-stress, anti-confusion, anti-judgment and that will give you space to pursue your life. 

Visit Access Bars® enable a different relationship between you and your body.

The body has all too often been forgotten and tortured in our civilizations, and yet it is the body that allows you to be physically incarnated in this world, that allows you to be connected to the world.

Receiving Bars® creates more ease for you and your body, and clears away the underlying thoughts, feelings and emotions that limit you. It's the chance to relieve the stress, frustration, exhaustion and anger you feel a little too often. It's discovering that you can choose something else.

For children and adults with ADHD , it's a treatment that will finally calm your wandering mind, which is trying to manage 2,000 things at once, and bring you greater clarity in your life.

I receive the Bars® once a week, which allows me to naturally let go of what's not mine and what I've downloaded during the week in the unconscious or conscious belief that I can save everyone.

How much time do you spend doing rather than receiving, without expectation ?

For most people, receiving Bars® is the first time they allow themselves to receive fully.

Receiving is one of our greatest capacities, which we ardently refuse, believing that it is more useful to raise our barriers so as not to be hurt.

  • But receiving does not mean accepting.
  • To receive is to be more present to what is.
  • This is what we define as being conscious.

Is it time for you to receive and allow your body to choose health over the aches and dramas you experience?

These events are organized by Access Bars® facilitators or practitioners in different parts of the world. If you haven't attended an Access Bars® class and would just like to receive a session, please contact me to arrange one.


Tel: +33 608890812 or +41 787403512


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