Nathalie Chevallerau
Coaching, training and performance

My artistic career

Nathalie Chevallerau,

Pianist, accompanist, vocal coach

 Founder and Director of ACMGE and ACMGE Pro

Geneva Academy of Musical Comedy

I've always been drawn to accompanying people towards their performance, whether at the piano, with the baton, or as a coach.

After brilliantly completing my studies at the Conservatoire National de Région de Versailles in the classes of Messieurs Désiré N' Kaoua and Jean-François Gonzales, I decided to perfect my skills at the Conservatoire Supérieur de Musique de Genève in the class of Madame Christiane Montandon, and at the Ecole Normale de Paris in the Concert Licence with Madame Lattarget.

I also obtained the Diplôme D'Etat d'Enseignement in France and the Diplôme d'Enseignement at the Conservatoire de Genève. I also teach music theory and musical training.

While developing my career as a pianist with Mr Bruno Rigutto and other renowned teachers, I very quickly chose to use my talents as an accompanist to accompany opera singers, professional and amateur choirs, enabling singers to find flexibility and rigor in the practice of their art. Being able to sight-read, I was able to multiply my chamber music concerts.


The pleasure of the stage!

1982 : German Requiem by Johannes Brahms, version for 2 pianos and choir, conducted by Jean-François Gonzales, at the 1982 Franco-German cooperation celebration in the presence of François Mitterand and Helmut Kohl. I was 17, what a joy!

From 1983 :

  • Piano recitals in Haute-Savoie and southern France 
  • Concerts repertoire for 2 pianos, piano singing and piano violin 
  • Accompanist for students in Sylvio Gualda's percussion class at Versailles, during rehearsals for the top-level gold medal in Igor Stravinsky's Danse Sacrale in 1983.
  • Sonata for 2 pianos and percussionby Béla Bartók for Olivier Messiaen at the Festival Messiaen in Avignon (1987)
  • Eve Ruggieri's "Musiques au cœur" with singer Yva Polivanova in 1988
  • Chamber music pianist and accompanist of opera singers from 1989 to 2013
  • Pianist accompanist for the Haute-Savoie departmental choir (ADDIM): numerous concerts under the direction of Bernard Spizzi from 1989 to 1999
  • Soloist in the Choral Fantasy for piano, choir and orchestra by L.v. Beethoven in Haute-Savoie 
  • Pianist for the Rhône-Alpes premiere and tour of Jeanne & Etienne Perruchon's "Petit Tailleur" after Grimm, cantata for children's choir, orchestra and piano in 1992
  • George Gershwin's "Rhapsody in Blue" piano-piano bastringue version and wind orchestra with François René Duchâble, conducted by Patrick Souillotin 1993
  • Creation and preparation of 800 schoolchildren for Eric Doucet's "Franchir l'espace" for vocal, orchestral and piano performance, based on a text by Michel Butor, directed by Bernard Têtu in 1993.
  • Member of piano juries
  • Ferney-Voltaire, Château d'Avully and area recitals: 100 years of classical repertoire from 1993 to 1995
  • "Les Soirées de Nazelles": show and tour with actor Alain Carré and the Choeur Départemental de Haute-Savoie, conducted by Bernard Spizzi in 1993.
  • Concerto in G for piano by Maurice Ravel with the orchestra of the Conservatoire de Versailles, conducted by Jean Aubain as part of the selection for the Marguerite Long Competition in 1994
  • Pianist for Rossini's Petite Messe Solennelle in 2004
  • Various creations combining my skills as piano accompanist, dancer and actress, including "Les Jupes de Voltaire" with Alain Carré and Francesca Giarini Dalhen in 2011.

Alongside her musical career, she has trained in respiratory coordination, coaching and NLP techniques, for which she is a Master Practitioner. She uses these different approaches in her performance coaching for artists. 

A specialist in both the spoken and sung voice, she also provides corporate training in communication and has created an original tool, MédiaVoice®.

A multi-talented artist, she became the privileged partner of AICOM Paris (Académie Internationale de Comédie Musicale de Paris) in Switzerland and was invited to take part in numerous competitions as a juror. For AICOM, she organizes the Swiss selection of the International Musical Comedy Competition sponsored by Lara Fabian (CICM).

In January 2011, she founded the Ateliers de Comédie Musicale de Genève (ACMGE), which later became the Académie de Comédie Musicale de Genève. In September 2012, she opened a professional musical comedy academy within the ACMGE.



The pleasure of transmission and training!

Direction, staging, vocal coach

2019 : Destinations Comédies Musicales 3

  • Romeo and Juliet, an eternal myth
  • 8 Femmes, Musical thriller
  • Women of the '80s
  • Mamma Mia!
  • A Star Mania Divergent, with the Junior School

2018 : Destination Musicales 2

  • Grease Mania, 40 years later...
  • Bowler hat and fishnet stockings!
  • Mathilda Genève!
  • Les Enfants du Rock
  • An impromptu cabaret

2017 : Destination Musicales

  • Charlie the Chocolate Factory
  • An unexpected cast
  • Chez Laurette 
  • The Sisters Actors

2016: Artistic Director of the musical Frankenstein with libretto by Bernard Novet and music by Stanislas Romanovski in 2016 in Switzerland.

  • Organization of casting, rehearsal planning, preparation of singers and creation of educational material for the creation.


Silence, we're filming. The Musical Comedy Theater! 

  • Historical fresco over 2 evenings through musical films: 70 numbers.

West Side Story with FMV for its 125th anniversary, directed by Gérard Demierre. 10 performances for our vocational training students with orchestra, in front of over 2,000 people.

  • Artistic director and vocal coach: organization of casting, rehearsal schedule and preparation of artists for singing, dancing and acting.
  • Choirmaster of the 50 choristers.
  • Costume and accessory management.
  • Management of administrative aspects and technical requirements.
  • Management of sound and lighting technology.

2011-2019: Stage direction, vocal coach, piano singing, harmonizations, libretto writing or adaptation into French for juniors, pianist on stage during the Geneva Academy of Musical Comedy shows at the Casino Théâtre de Genève.

Nathalie Chevallerau

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