Nathalie Chevallerau
Coaching, training and performance

Nathalie Chevallerau, life coach in Nyon and Geneva

"Be yourself, the others are already taken"
Oscar Wilde

Most of us have created our lives, careers and relationships based on a compilation of advice, judgments and viewpoints from our parents, friends, teachers, etc., thinking that the solution must always be outside us.

And sooner or later, these points of view that we had validated as true prevent us from activating our difference to create our life. Little by little, we begin to doubt our choices, realizing the energetic cost of living this life. And we prefer to judge our choices and ourselves to avoid making new ones.

And yet, from the moment we were born, everything was possible and flexible. Very soon, we were asking questions about everything, triggering attention, then annoyance and finally exasperation from those around us, who hoped that an answer would satisfy our curiosity. Remember the many " Why? " after every answer you received, right up to the ultimate response: "You'll understand later! "

Then one day, we stopped being curious, we stopped questioning everything, gradually extinguishing our singularity and our insatiable appetite for learning.

  • What if asking a question had nothing to do with finding the right answer?
  • What if the purpose of a question had nothing to do with justifying what's happening to you?
  • What if a question could unlock new awarenesses, discover new choices that you couldn't even recognize before, so accustomed are we to concluding, justifying and judging?

I chose to be the main Source for new choices and new ways of proceeding, of thinking in order to cut short this infernal cycle of -Ican't, I have no choice- without needing to separate myself from anyone or anything?

By letting go of judgments about yourself, beliefs about everything and limitations that aren't yours .What new choices might be available to you?

Become your own expert!

Nathalie Chevallerau, coach and trainer, Nyon

Whether you're small, beautiful, ugly, clumsy, with a disease, neurodevelopmental disorders, too smart to be happy, physically handicapped, etc., it's all you and it's YOU who live with yourself!

And if, like me, you've been looking for a long time for ONE answer to each of the disorders we're going through, you've wasted a lot of time, gained in frustration and are still dissatisfied with the answers you've received.

And yet, deep down inside, you know that you've always known whether a particular treatment, job choice or appointment was going to be a failure or a contribution for you.

Unfortunately, we bought the lie that "we didn't know".

It's perhaps one of the biggest lies we've ever swallowed.

You knew, you always knew, didn't you?

But because we don't dare recognize and question these immediate, instinctive awarenesses, we prefer to ignore that we know , believing that our personal computer, our mind, or someone else will be able to give us the right information. And that's how we create the self-doubt and lack of confidence that end up slowing us down and distancing us from our true choices, creating the reality and justification that we have no other choice.

We choose without even thinking about it, without even being conscious and present. We prefer to repeat the same familiar patterns, even if they require more and more effort. To a certain extent, this is natural, because our brain prefers routine and habit, and doesn't really appreciate the unknown. 

  • What if you became aware of your choices and what they create?
  • What if you were to become present to what is truly available and needed?
  • What if you could trust yourself, recognizing that you are neither ignorant nor selfish, but just aware and capable of finding the missing information? 

You would no longer have to apply the brakes of your conscience and your knowledge.

Choose something different,
Be different,
This is what I propose to create together.

Book an appointment online


Coaching Being You in Nyon

Coaching become yourself, the others are already taken.

Stressed out, tired of everything and out of breath with no alternative in sight? The more problems you solve, the more problems you have to solve?

"But what would it take for that to change?"

Proposals :

  • Be yourself at last: your body and you
  • Parenting: But who's got the right instructions?
  • Children-adults with ADHD: a different perspective!
Access Bars® in Nyon

Access Bars®

Overloaded mentally, emotionally and with your body no longer supporting you?

This gentle, non-invasive technique releases physical and psychological blockages stored in the body, improving your state of health.

Access Bars® have brought relief to over 700,000 people worldwide. They are used in schools, businesses, hospitals and even prisons, reducing violent reactions and depression. They reduce stress and permanent judgment.

Bars® in Business in Nyon

Bars® in Business 

A stress and burnout prevention program for companies seeking to limit the costs of corporate malaise.

After a session, employees immediately feel clearer in their thoughts, calmer and more perceptive, enabling easier communication and better management of emotions and changes in the company.

Access Body Processes Consciousness™️ in Nyon

Access Body Processes Consciousness™️

Because under your head you have a body, and this body is part of the creation of your life. These Body Processes are designed to boost your metabolism by ridding it of everything it has accumulated as yours. 

It's about your judgments, your different fixed points of view on what's possible or not, about all those emotions you've been avoiding. Your body has picked them up and they're still there, like cellular memories.

Access Facelift Energetic™️

Access Facelift Energetic™️

It's beyond what you think. It's a Body process, a "complete care" for your body, which unlocks a different possibility of living the passing years without creating what everyone else assumes.

It's not just for your face.

Try it and adopt it without limit!

And you can take a one-day training course with a friend, so you can enjoy all the benefits for free.

SOP, the Symphony of Possibilities®, a world of possibilities

SOP, energy session to open up new possibilities

This foretaste offers you the space you need to realize that whatever your reality, it is never the only possibility. It's about choosing not to operate from limitations, but to explore the possibilities, the energies available, in order to access what's true for you and your body.

Certified Access Consciousness® trainings

Certified Access Consciousness® trainings

Access Bars®, Access Facelift class Energetic™️, Processes Corporels™️ over 1 or 2 days and Foundation class over 3 ½ days.

Further workshops: MediaVoice™️

Further workshops and MediaVoice™️

The adventure of being yourself and choosing your path with your voice

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Be yourself, the others are already taken!

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